24”x36" - $1,300
How much does it cost?
Prices vary depending on size of canvas, materials, and details of the artwork. Generally Paintings start at $750 and go up from there. I typically do 18″x24″ canvases for $750 + shipping. All commissioned work requires a NON-REFUNDABLE 50% down payment of the total up front to cover material costs and hold your spot in my queue. I understand that sometimes financial circumstances makes it difficult to afford art, but I want everyone to be able to own and enjoy their own piece of Devona artwork. For these situations, I do provide installment plans. Any quote provided is good for 30 days. Prices are subject to change.
What kind of art/custom art do you do?
- I work with a mix of mediums such as acrylic, latex, and spray paint.
- I paint on canvas and wood and am open to other surfaces.
- Single subjects, figures, and portraits are my thing.
- I typically focus on the face and/or body.
- I do abstracts too.
- I do wall murals.
- My work is contemporary and abstract. Please familiarize yourself with my work before contacting.
- Drawings
- Family portraits – I’ll do 2 subjects at most
- Realism/realistic art
- Graphic Design
- Websites
- Freebies
How long do commissioned paintings take?
How does payment work?
PayPal and credit card payments are accepted. You will receive a PayPal generated invoice to you email where you can provide payment either via personal PayPal account or credit card. You do not have to have a PayPal account to make a payment. If you prefer to pay via check, please note that checks will need to clear before the start of project and before shipment. I am not responsible for lost payment. Signature confirmation or registered mail is recommended. All commissioned work requires a 50% down payment of the total up front to cover material costs and hold your spot in my queue. I will ship your item once final payment is received.
How does shipping work?
I personally wrap up and ship your artwork, so you can be sure your painting will be treated with the best care. Commissions are always insured for the full price, and you can request signature confirmation (at no charge) for added peace of mind. Shipping in the U.S for a 18×24″ canvas is is typically $50, but is subject to change. I do accept international orders. Shipping is more expensive for international orders and prices will be figured out and discussed during the process and completion of the project. You are responsible for any customs charges.